Head Heart Horse exists because of the power of connection. Using trick training, brain games and liberty helps horses and humans build stronger bonds and nurture happy partnerships.
With a background in unschooling (where kids who don't go to school and are given choice over what, when and how they learn), we share a unique perspective that supports learners of all ages, experience levels, and species to grow with empathy, resilience, and joyfulness.
Join us on this journey of nurturing awareness, deepening relationships and fun! Create a more connected, happier world for both you and your horse!
I'm Jo, and at first I struggled to cope with my opinionated and sensitive mare, Mosa. Eventually i realised that what I had learned and practiced in over a decade of unschooling my young humans could be applied to my relationships with horses.
Things began to fall into place and I was off on a journey of fun, learning, revelations and connection. Now, Mosa and I love to learn together and I'm so grateful for all the magic moments we share.
I'm here to help other horses and owners experience more of those amazing moments when two friends of completely different species connect.